Save the Butterflies

Every piece of Butterfly-inspired Art helps raise Monarch Butterflies, Queen Butterflies, and Gulf Fritillary Butterflies at Lizzie's Monarch Weighstation in Central Florida. Profits from the Butterfly Collection provides food & supplies for Native Butterfly Species.

   The Monarch Butterfly population is especially at risk. The Monarchs are now listed as Endangered Species. Predators, disease, pesticides, herbicides, lack of food, parasites, and climate change are all contributing factors . It is Lizzie's goal to help sustain the population by providing quality food and habitats for these creatures to flourish.

   OE is predominant in the Florida population of Monarch Butterflies. It is a deadly parasite that has been steadily declining the quality life of these butterflies. Migrating Monarchs from Northern & Western parts of America travel to Mexico over Winter. Since Florida is pretty warm there's a group of Non-Migratory Monarchs that survive year round spreading the parasite. 

    She experienced it first hand in 2020 with a big batch of Caterpillars. Most were unable to form their Crysalis correctly and parished. Unfortunately, she had to learn the hard way just how fragile and at risk these beautiful creatures are. After learning more about this issue, Liz has dedicated Quality for her Monarchs. She has not had many issues since. She now disinfects all their food before it goes into the enclosure. 

   If you resonate with the goal to rehabilitate the Monarch population, plant Native Milkweed (PESTICIDE FREE) in your garden. If you have Tropical Milkweed, cut it back completely in the fall to avoid disrupting Migration Patterns. I will include links to instructional videos at the bottom of this page.

   If you do not have the means to do participate hands-on, support indirectly by buying Liz's Butterfly Art in the Butterfly Collection.

   If you want to see the lives you are supporting, follow her social media pages dedicated to the butterflies!

Learn to grow Milkweed

Learn to Raise Monarchs

Learn more about OE here
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